Saturday, December 11, 2010


All we need now is to pick what realm to play on, please post any suggestions of good realms you think would fit for us. Thanks!


  1. My suggestion is to roll on Agamaggan-US ...PVP realm, low pop...the PuG is on the EU version of this realm

  2. I could agree to that....... The main two reasons I think the PvP server is a good idea is, lower M&S population, and when the US version of Undergeared was starting up, a lot of people wanted a PvP server because that was just what they preferred. I don't necessarily like the idea of being randomly ganked, but I don't think it's going to be a common enough occurrence to really annoy me that much.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Does it neccessarily be a low pop realm? I think a mid-pop realm (Bloodscalp for example, the realm that I'm currently on) would work as well. And do we want a balance realm or one that heavily skew toward one faction?

  5. I think Gevs reasoning on a lower pop realm was so that you could still establish yourself in the market, the raid progress for the server wouldn't be as far along, and the guild would have a better chance of establishing itself. Those things make sense to me. But, Slurp and I don't have the cash available to do a transfer at this time, so there's at least two of us that will be starting from scratch. I don't view starting from scratch as a huge drawback though, it would give us so time to build the guild a bit.

  6. Playing on low pop realm mean giving up the potential players coming from the realm itself. Well, on mid and high pop realm, there are more good guilds, so it kinda even out. But mid pop realm had the advantages of better mats, probably better trade chat players. In the end, I think you should just choose a realm (mid-low pop of course, high end realm is out of the questions) and announce it. The advantage of choosing the realm is vague at most. But with the release of Cata + the holidays are coming, there couldn't be a better time to start the guild.
    As a side note, "Pug squad" is a rather weird name to me.

  7. The name was something just thrown together at a moments notice to get the rules up on the web. I really don't care what it's called as long as it's different than the normal drivel used for guild names......What do you think of the Korgath server? It looks to be about medium population and about as close to ta 50/50 A/H split as we're gonna find.

  8. It looks good. If we can get it start quick, and there seems to be enough interest I can pull a transfer for one of my toons over, carrying some gold to start the guild. The problem would be to know how exactly are people interested in the project: Gevlon have the reputation, as well as his blog, some thing we don't have (I didn't follow the progress, but how did the US-undergeared go last time?)

  9. I didn't follow undergeared after I left......

    I'm hoping that if we get this set up, Gevlon will give us some mention, so we can have a good base to start.

  10. well, I saw your comment in a gevlon thread, and I'm interested. I'll be a reroll who doesn't level real fast and who will still be playing other characters, so it'll be a long while before I'm doing 85 heroics, etc.

    US-undergeared fizzled because we never had enough people to do a guild run. I was the GM, and after it became obvious that it would be a hard slog, I rerolled on another realm and stopped being online regularly, which almost certainly made it harder.

    It helps a *lot* to actually have a blog that people read where you can pimp it, as Gevlon does. While he mentioned US also, it's not the same. People wanted to be in Gevlon's guild, not mine, so people willing to buy an EU account generally did so.

    So, while I will reroll to try it out, and if it really works, it'll probably become my main server, I'm not all that sure of your prospects.

  11. Well, we'd be happy to have you and your experience with Undergeared US on board! Zintix and I both re-rolled here, so you wouldn't be alone in that aspect. Also, rest assured that Zintix and I are very dedicated to making this work. We both believe it will bring some good times and fun to the guild environment, instead of the usual drama and babysitting! Give Zintix or I (Kricknard) a tell in game, and we'll get ya on the roster!
